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Bolivia Floripondio 1 kg

Kenyan variety SL 34 grown and processed at the Bolivian farm of Floripondio. This variety was precisely processed using natural method by the Rodriguez family. Expect funky notes of candy, sugar cane and marmalade.

Bolivia Floripondio 1 kg

Your price (Incl. VAT)
1 908 Kč
Out of stock
Country Bolivia
Farm Floripondio, Samaipata
Varietal Arabica SL 34
Processing Natural
Crop September 2022
Partnership 3 years
Coffee type Wholebean

Rodriguez family - pioneers of specialty coffee in Bolivia

The Floripondio farm is located at the altitude of 1700masl and belongs to the Rodriguez family. Their company Agricafe tries to bring specialty coffee farming back to the country. They support a lot of farms and with coffee they offer an alternative to coca farming. The Floripondio farm is quite young. It carries the name of the local plant (Brugmansia - Andgel´s Trumpet).
Biography: Rodriguez Family
Biography: Rodriguez Family
Read about Agricafe´s projects in detail.

SL 34 variety

Kenyan varieties SL34 and SL28 and their various mutations have got very popular in Latin America in recent years. SL is an abbreviation for Scott Laboratories which came with these two varieties and was found in Nairobi in 1922. These varieties are well known for its fosforic acidity which can take a lot of shades of flavours such as notes of fresh citrus fruit, heavy red wine or juicy red currant juice.
According to Daniela Rodriguez, these varieties are doing really well at the farm and so the family plans to increase their production. And we are thrilled as SL34 was one of the most interesting cofffees we tasted in Bolivia last year.

Listen to our podcast about Bolivia.

What do we discuss in this episode? The coffee business in Bolivia, Agricafe company and other interesting facts about this mysterious coffee producing country.


This coffee was sun dried on African beds at the neighbouring farm called El Fuerte.

The best way to enjoy this coffee is with V60.

Hario V60-01 (ceramic)
Hario V60-01 (ceramic)
420 Kč
+ To cart
Hario V60-01 Bleached Paper Filters (100 pcs)
Hario V60-01 Bleached Paper Filters (100 pcs)
89 Kč

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