Country | Colombia |
Farm | El Naranjo, Rosario, Huila |
Varietal | Arabica Pink Bourbon |
Processing | Washed - extended fermentation |
Crop | November 2022 - kept in freezer |
Partnership | 1 year |
Coffee type | Whole bean |
Flavour | Juicy & Exotic |

Pink Bourbon Variety
Pink bourbon is shrouded in mystery, as not everyone agrees on its origin. For some, pink bourbon is a hybrid between yellow and red bourbon. Others are more inclined to the theory that it is an original Ethiopian variety. In any case, this variety, which ripens to an orange-pink color, has been a hit in recent years, especially in Colombia.
El Naranjo is one of the best representatives of this variety we have tasted in recent years. Very intense fruity sweetness is complemented by pleasant citrus acidity and notes of dried fruit. The prolonged fermentation is noticeable in the taste, but does not dominate. The coffee is complex and balanced.

About the farm
The farm is located in the department of San Agustin in the southern part of the Huila region, where the Central and Eastern Andes meet, at an altitude of 1,760 - 1,890 m above sea level. The farm has an area of 7 hectares, of which 6 hectares are dedicated to growing coffee.
Blanca Burbano is the third generation of coffee producers who has taken full responsibility for managing the family farm. In addition to coffee, they grow bananas, tomatoes and beans for the family's consumption. She emphasizes maintaining the natural forests that surround her farm. These are important for maintaining the ecosystem and as a source of water. Mrs. Blanca focuses mainly on growing rare coffee varieties, such as this pink bourbon or the tabi variety.
Farm Coffee Family

Fully Washed Processing
The coffee was processed after harvest using the washed method, where the beans are peeled from the coffee cherries and fermented in a water tank. For a more intense flavor, the fermentation was extended to 72 hours. This was followed by washing in clean water and drying on shaded drying tables for 4 weeks.
The result is a fruity and elegant coffee with notes of hibiscus and dried fruit.
Listen to our podcast with the import of this coffee - Jitka Ekartova