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Ethiopia Shakisso 1 kg

This fully washed microlot comes from Shakisso washing station, which is situated in Guji region. You can expect the classic Guji profile with lots of fruity notes like Skittles. floral aromatics, jasmine and green tea.

Ethiopia Shakisso 1 kg

Your price (Incl. VAT)
970 Kč
Out of stock
Country Ethiopia
Farm Shakisso, Guji
Varietal Arabica Ethiopian Heirloom
Processing Washed
Crop January 2021
Coffee type Whole bean

Shakisso station

Shakisso is the name of washing station in Shakisso city located in Guji region. They buy and process coffee cherries from neighboring farmers. We bought this coffee from our long time partner and friend Seife Tuuloskorpi.

Our favourite region

Shakisso was first place in Ethiopia we ever visited back in 2011. It is quite remote area in Guji region about 5 hour drive from Yirga Alem. The route is unforgivable experience. You can enjoy the view of typical rural houses and washing stations in beautiful nature, while you changing flat tires. We won prestigious competition best espresso at Nordic Barista Cup 2012 held in Copenhagen. We felt in love with this part of Ethiopia.


Freshly picked and delivered cherries are fermented for approx. 36hours in concrete fermentation tanks. What follows is manual rinsing, which removes the mucilage residues from the beans. Clean beans in parchment are than transported to the raised African beds where they dry for 7-14 days depending on weather.

Taste profile

Shakisso has a classic washed Guji profile - lots of fruit which remind us Skittles, green tea, jasmine and intense floral aromatics.

Brew it with Moccamaster

Moccamaster KBGT-741
Moccamaster KBGT-741
5 950 Kč
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