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Bolivia Floripondio

Juicy and exotic coffee from the Single Origin Filter range - Farm. Classic caturra variety grown and processed at the Bolivian farm of Floripondio. Natural processing brings funky notes of ripe strawberries, rum pralines and marmalade into the cup.

Bolivia Floripondio

Your price (Incl. VAT)
425 Kč
Country Bolivia
Farm Floripondio, Samaipata
Varietal Arabica Caturra
Processing Natural (fermented in tanks)
Crop September 2023
Partnership 4 years
Coffee type Wholebean
Flavour Juicy & Exotic


Single origin filter roast coffee, which is fun to drink every day. This Farm edition coffee comes from Floripondio farm, which is situated in Samaipata, Bolivia and owned by the famous Rodriguez family.

We have been buying coffee from this farm for more than 4 years now. In the beginning, we were easily won by the taste of SL 28 and 34 varieties, which thrive here the most. Last Fall we selected 4 different microlots in Bolivia, including this classic caturra variety processed using natural method with prolonged (24 hour) fermentation in stainless steel tanks.

Floripondio is possibly the most visually stunning coffee farm we have ever visited. The coffee trees are meticulously planted in perfectly organised rows. The farm has a special experimental plot with many exotic varities. And there is the omnipresent viewpoint designed by Don Pedro, the owner of the farm and the head of Rodriguez family.

Farm Coffee Family
The Farm coffee family creates the heart of our offer. Seasonal selection of lots grown by responsible farmers with whom doubleshot maintains strong long-term relationships. Uncompromising respect for the nature, people, and beans reflected in the resulting taste.

How does this coffee taste?

Juicy & Exotic

Kamila and Lukas, who selected this lot during their visit last Fall, described the cup as being jammy and juicy with notes of ripe strawberries, rum pralines and marmalade mouthfeel.

The Family Rodriguez Story

This farm belongs to the Rodriguez family business, called Agricafe. Their aim is to bring specialty coffee farming back to the country, since the production of coffee in general has been constantly declining. They support a lot of farms and with coffee growing they offer an alternative to coca farming. Don Pedro (pictured with his daughter Daniela) has been the coffee pioneer in Bolivia for the last 40 years. He is also an extremely friendly and likeable person with a fondness for good wine (Samaipata can be called the Tuscany of Bolivia) and obviously coffee. He never forgets to bring his special suitcase equipped with countless brewing methods on his trips.

The Floripondio farm (named after the local hallucinogenic plant Brugmansia - Angel´s Trumpet) was purchased in 2014. In total, the family owns 12 farms, 4 in Samaipata, 8 in Caranavi region.

Biography: Rodriguez Family
Biography: Rodriguez Family
Read about Agricafe´s projects in detail.


This coffee was sun dried on African beds and fermented in stainless steel tanks for 24 hours. This prolonged fermentation brings juicy and jammy notes of strawberries into the cup.

Caturra Variety

The Coffee Dwarf, discovered in Brazil in the 1920s, became a key variety in the Latin American coffee industry. Despite never being officially introduced in Brazil, it spread throughout the region, especially in Colombia, where it constituted a significant portion of the production. Its compact form and high yield make it popular among farmers. Caturra is known for its resistance to adverse conditions and thrives even at higher altitudes, contributing to its diverse flavor profile. It is a key parent of many hybrid varieties resistant to coffee diseases. In our roastery, as well as in our coffee, it dominates with sparkling acidity and sugarcane sweetness.

The best way to enjoy this coffee is with Pulsar.

NextLevel Pulsar
NextLevel Pulsar
1 680 Kč
NextLevel Pulsar paper filters
NextLevel Pulsar paper filters
350 Kč

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